Grade School and High School Renovations

Monroe School District

The Monroe School District is very proud of its historic school buildings. The high school was built in the 1920s and the grade school  in the 1950s. Age affects us all, and the District’s buildings are no exception. PIVOT Architecture worked with the District and its CM/GC to complete an engineering study of the District’s existing buildings and begin developing a design for the facilities upgrades.

This multiple-phase project included additions and site improvements at both the grade and high school with seismic upgrades, renovations, envelope replacement, interior refresh, security, site and parking safety, building systems, deferred maintenance, classroom and technology upgrades, and ADA improvements. We also submitted a plan to the State of Oregon Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to prove that our seismic upgrade work didn’t negatively impact the historical significance of the structures.


Architecture, Design, Interior Design

John Stapleton