SOJC leadership envisioned creating a hub of experiential learning spaces, supporting priorities of hands-on learning and enhancing spaces for curricular and co-curricular projects. Working closely with faculty and staff, PIVOT developed an organization of spaces along a theme of “social to immersive”, utilizing a spectrum of colors and lighting design enhancing the character and feeling of spaces as students move from highly active spaces toward more quiet environments. Key spaces include a contemporary production studio, virtual reality / emerging technologies lab, social media lab, podcast studio, enhanced equipment checkout and enhanced student services suite. The Hall of Achievement celebrating distinguished alumni has been transformed into a touch-screen digital display wall enhancing access to the SOJC legacy. Special attention was given to acoustical control, sophisticated yet value-driven technology solutions, flexibility, and adaptability.
UO School of Journalism and Communication “Experience Hub”
University of OregonExpertise:
Design, Interior Design
Alexis Thomas, Francisco Toledo