UVX Bus Rapid Transit

Utah Transit Authority

The rugged Wasatch Mountains—a unifying presence in the cities of Orem and Provo—formed the inspiration for the UVX BRT stations. To reflect the unique geologic formations, the stations take on the angular, furrowed nature of the range simplifying them into human-scale experiences while providing shelter, visibility, and an iconic presence. The route connects the cities of Provo and Orem as well as serving Brigham Young and Utah Valley universities.

PIVOT led the station design team to develop iconic canopy and stations designs for 21 station platforms. Working closely with various stakeholders, PIVOT developed customizable station elements to express each entity’s unique qualities while retaining a consistent system-wide identity. At BYU, a slightly modified shelter was designed to reflect the campus architecture. For other stations, stakeholders were able to select unique color palettes and accent lighting.


Architecture, Design, Transit Station Architecture

Scott Clarke