Utah Transit Authority

The Ogden-WSU BRT line connects the city’s intermodal transit center—a hub for commuter rail and fixed-route bus services—with Weber State University and the McKay-Dee hospital. With a dedicated busway, the system provides the university’s 25,000 students, its faculty, and visitors with easy, direct access to the center of the WSU campus.

Like other communities abutting the Wasatch Mountains, Ogden can suffer from poor air quality which the system’s 40-foot electric buses will help mitigate.

The 22 platforms at 13 stations are inspired by the community’s strong historic architecture, Weber State’s cohesive campus, and the area’s unique geology. PIVOT engaged with stakeholder groups to develop three shelter concepts in a series of workshops. The “Strata” concept was selected and includes precast concrete columns that reflect the area’s stratified geology and its upheaval resulting from collision of the Great Basin and the dramatic mountains to the east.

PIVOT is partnering with AECOM and Jacobs on the project. .


Architecture, Design, Transit Station Architecture

Scott Clarke