City of Corvallis
Chintimini Senior and Community Center
Building and Site Improvement Project
Sealed bids for the construction of improvements to Chintimini Senior and Community Center Building and associated site improvements, Project No. 673237, will be received at the Parks and Recreation Department, 1310 SW Avery Park Dr. Corvallis, OR 97333, until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10, 2019 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read.
The work consists of:
Building Addition. The approximate 2,500 sf building addition is comprised of a concrete foundation, concrete slab on grade, wood framed walls and roof structure, single ply roofing, fire sprinklers, HVAC system, and power, lighting, and low voltage systems, and other improvements as shown on the drawings.
Building Renovation. The approximate 5,500 sf existing building renovation includes office relocations, lobby and reception improvements, restroom improvements, MEP improvements, addition of a fire sprinkler system, the addition of a new entrance and vestibule, casework, and other improvements as shown on the drawings.
Parking lot improvements. A new parking lot with earthwork, paving, pavement markings, landscaping, lighting, storm water management upgrades, and other improvements as shown on the drawings.
Other site improvements. Site improvements, including developed courtyard space north and south of the existing building, sidewalks, enhanced plant areas, irrigation improvements, fencing to screen equipment, site amenities, utilities serving the building and other improvements as shown on the drawings.
The bid documents for this project will be available for downloading on March 14, 2019 after 9 am, from Hard copies will be available for viewing at the mandatory pre-bid meeting. All who are known by the City to have received a complete set of the document will receive notification when additional items are posted through Public Purchase.
This is a public works contract subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870.
A mandatory pre-bid meeting is required for this project. There are two dates available, Wednesday, March 20th and Tuesday, March 26th. Contractors are required to attend ONE of the pre-bid meetings. Both of the mandatory meetings will be held at Chintimini Senior & Community Center located at 2601 NW Tyler Ave, Corvallis, OR 97330. Parking in this area can be difficult. Please allow time for locating parking.
The mandatory pre-bid meetings will begin promptly at 2:00 p.m. Potential bidders arriving more than 10 minutes late will not be admitted.
The City encourages small, minority- and women-owned businesses to bid.
For more information, contact Jacqueline Rochefort, 541-766-6468. Hearing and Speech Impaired: Contact Oregon Telecommunications Service 7-1-1.