
LBCC Photo Shoot

Some scenes from our photo shoot at the renovated CTE industrial facilities at Linn-Benton Community College. The spaces include welding, a machine tool building, and fabrication and pipe facility. The project was funded by a community-supported bond measure and is the second phase of the renovation. Read more about it.


We Stand in Solidarity

In light of recent events, we’ve been feeling the pain that images of brutality reveal and thinking about the damage racism causes in our society. Our goal has always been to make PIVOT Architecture an organization of inclusion that welcomes talent from wherever it may come.

Our values compel us to speak out in support of those who are working to create a more equitable world. And while it’s sometimes hard to know how to help, we can pledge to continue the work of making PIVOT a safe and healthy place to thrive for all of us. Part of that work is to make it clear that we stand with our fellow citizens who suffer at the hands of institutional racism and against those who promote hate and discrimination. Dealing with the resulting emotions is made especially hard by our required physical separation from our teams and community members.

Hug your family; connect with your loved ones. And in your own way, help our community and our nation walk a path to a more equitable and just future.


PIVOT Fellowship Canceled Due to Pandemic

Due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic affecting all of us, PIVOT Architecture unfortunately will not be able to facilitate our annual fellowship this summer. A number very of capable candidates from the University of Oregon’s School of Architecture & Environment submitted applications and have been notified of our decision.

For the past three years, PIVOT has successfully hosted summer fellows which has resulted in engaging and thought-provoking examinations into some critical issues facing architecture and design. The projects have included “missing middle” housing, the intersection of architecture, psychology, and sociology, as well as the notion of equity as a design factor in schools.

While we have decided to cancel this year’s fellowship, PIVOT has been able to maintain full employment for our 29 architects, designers, and administrative professionals, all of whom remain working from home for the near future. Our ongoing work for school districts, transit projects, and other public and private clients continue to progress during statewide stay-at-home orders. It is not clear when the PIVOT office will reopen.

Each summer, one student is selected to work on a project of their choosing which constitutes one half of the fellow’s responsibility. In addition to the project, the fellow will be incorporated into a PIVOT project team and gain real-world experience working alongside our architects and designers. PIVOT intends to resume the fellowship in subsequent summers.

More information on the PIVOT Fellowship.


PIVOT’s Response to COVID-19

These are unprecedented times for Eugene, the State of Oregon, and the world. Our thoughts are with you as we all experience the effects of COVID-19 together. As advocates for the well-being and safety of our greater community, PIVOT Architecture is committed to taking proactive measures that we hope will help flatten the curve.

To protect the health and safety of our employees, we’ve enabled them to voluntarily work remotely, and we continue to keep our work places and office spaces sanitary. For those working remotely, we are actively observing normal business hours and encouraging a “business as usual” mentality to help continue to meet our project and clients’ needs. We have deployed a number of remote strategies to allow for team communication and continued design work. The entire staff is still available by email and phone.

PIVOT is monitoring the recommendations and guidelines from local and federal health specialist, including the CDC, WHO, and NIAID. As conditions and situations change across the world, we want you to know we’re adapting right along with them. One thing that isn’t changing, however, is the value of the relationships we have with you — our neighbors and clients. PIVOT continues to work hard in support of our community.

While the pandemic certainly poses challenges, the PIVOT team is dedicated to working with our clients to see projects through, to the greatest extent possible. Thank you for your flexibility as we navigate through the novel coronavirus together.