Eugene Airport QTA Facility

City of Eugene

The Eugene Airport has long sought the expansion and modernization of the well-worn rental car service building known as a Quick Turn-Around Facility (QTA). The City realized that relocating the new QTA facility to the airport perimeter would allow for additional passenger parking to take the old building's place near the terminal.

The new QTA facility is key in the rental car process allowing teams to quickly process, clean, and refuel vehicles once they are returned. The new building houses three wash bays, as well as related staff and equipment support space. A 12-station fuel and vacuum canopy also accompanies the facility.

Located near the main entrance to the airport, the facility needed to be designed to be more than a standard utility building and canopy. The final facility layout optimizes vehicle queuing and efficiency while providing a cohesive composition of built forms responsive to solar access, prevailing weather, and expansion potential.

PIVOT is the architect of record and the project was a collaboration with prime architect RS&H.


Architecture, Design, Interior Design

Scott Clarke